The bibliography
- Daudin, J.-J., Picard, F., Robin, S., Mixture model for random graphs, Statistics and Computing, 2008.
- Zanghi, H., Ambroise, C., Miele, V., Fast online graph clustering via Erdös-Rényi mixture, Pattern Recognition, 41 (3592-3599), 2008.
- Picard, F., Miele, V., Daudin,J-J., Cottret,L., Robin, S., Deciphering the connectivity structure of biological networks using MixNet, BMC Bioinformatics, 10(Suppl 6):S17, 2009.
- Mariadassou,M., Robin, S., Uncovering latent structure in valued graphs: a variational approach, Research Report n°10.
- Zanghi,H., Picard,F., Miele,V., Ambroise,C., Strategies for online inference of network mixture, Research Report n°14.
- Latouche,P., Birmele,E., Ambroise,C., Bayesian methods for graph clustering, Research Report n°17.